Despite the impact of communication on all aspects of our lives, hearing aid ownership and regular use has always been low (Popelka et al, 1998; Upfold & Wilson, 1980; Weiss, 1973). The percentage of hearing aid non-users ranges from 4.7% to 24% (Hougaard & Ruf, 2011; Hartley et al, 2010). In fact, recent studies show that 50% of adults do not use their hearing aids consistently or at all, regardless of their degree of hearing loss or its impact on their quality of life.
Why is this?
Hearing aid(s) non-use has been linked to poor user perception of hearing aid value; the fit and comfort of the hearing aid; the care and maintenance involved with hearing aids; societal attitudes and prejudices about hearing loss; low perceived benefit of hearing aid; and the quality of the user’s interactions with their health care professional (McCormack & Fortnum, 2013; Dillon et al., 2020).
​We are living longer, working longer, and staying socially active later in life. Consequently, our communication needs are greater than ever. Recognizing the need for better access to high quality hearing care and optimal hearing technology use in a timely manner, Hearing Navigation Consultants (HNC) was born. Co-founders Catherine (Cathy) Creaser and Karen MacIver-Lux are Audiologists with over 40 years of combined experience in working with individuals of all ages with hearing loss, their families, and their professional connections.
HNC is a joint venture designed to minimize the communication barriers between hearing-impaired individuals and the people with whom they interact, through smart advocacy and innovative solutions for their daily lives. We are committed to helping hearing-impaired listeners and businesses navigate towards high quality interactions and interventions that will make spoken language and sounds of life easy to hear, easy to understand, and enjoyable for listening for everyone.